Goshen Ladies Ministries

Goshen Ladies Ministries


How Goshen Ladies Ministries got their start

Gailey Mwesigwa 

Founder and CEO of Goshen Ladies Miniseries 

"This is a ministry that was founded by me, Gailey Mwesigwa, with the aim of Encouraging, Empowering and Molding ladies of good influence, regardless of their level of faith. It was in 2015 when the Holy Spirit put it on my heart to bring the ladies together and fight the good fight for Spiritual Victory and gaining positivity.

When I was a young girl, life was very hard for me. My father would drink alcohol, which caused him to be quarrelsome and sometimes violent. As a child I was rejected by my father and, as a result, I had a lot of resentment. I hated myself, suffered from a negative attitude, and lacked confidence. I believed that I would never amount to anything in my life. Father continually reinforced these thoughts with comments like "You will never amount to anything"!

It was impossible to ignore the fights between my mother and father and such events became very toxic to my siblings and myself while we were still little children. I remember one day I fled to the neighbour’s house and hid under their bed. But my father soon discovered where I had gone and came to pour insults and threats on the neighbours, to the point that they had to come retrieve me from hiding and hand me over to him.

You can imagine how events like this affected my young life. I felt rejected and hated myself so much that I decided to take my own life with poison. But as I sat beside a roadside ditch ready to take the poison that would kill me, I felt like a still small voice was saying, "Life is not over for you"! I changed my mind that day and decided to continue living, although at the time I did not know what was worth living for.

Little did I know at that time that the Lord had a plan for my life which would lead me to faith in Jesus Christ and prepare me for ministry to lead others to Christ as the Author and Finisher of their Faith. I also learned to forgive my father and to love myself as Jesus loved me.

When the Lord began to speak to me about Women’s Ministry, I knew many girls and women were going through the same kinds of trauma that I did. They needed to understand that their lives were NOT wasted, but that Jesus could change their tests into glorious testimonies!

While I was praying, the Lord led me to Romans 4:14 "Therefore we should press on and allow the spirit of God to work in us, for all who are led by the spirit of God are the sons of God".From then I started praying for God’s direction and guidance in how to go about making a difference in the lives of women. I had no actual clear image of how it could all come together. But in the course of praying and waiting upon God, The Spirit of The Lord spoke clearly to me saying, It shall be GOSHEN LADIES MINISTRY! And that’s how we kicked it off!

Josi (Travinski) Herman

Assistant to Mrs Mwesigwa 
